Remedy Publications LLC - Open Access Journals

Remedy Publications aspires to publish journals that are exciting to read, educate, and keep the audience updated on cutting edge research in the fields of science, technology, medicine, surgery, oncology and oral health.

Featured Open Access Journals

Mega journals are high-impact, open-access academic publications that cover a wide range of disciplines and topics. They prioritize publishing large volumes of research across various fields, with a focus on scientific rigor, reproducibility, and accessibility, making them a platform for a broad spectrum of research, from basic science to applied studies.

Annals of Clinical Case Reports

Annals of Clinical Case Reports

Annals of Clinical Case Reports, a multifaceted, international, open access journal that publishes trnding and up-to-date information from all the related fields of medical and clinical disciplines.

ISSN: 2474-1655 | Open Access

Clinical Case Reports International

Clinical Case Reports International

Clinical Case Reports International, a multifaceted, international, open access journal that publishes trnding and up-to-date information from all the related fields of medical and clinical disciplines.

ISSN: 2638-4558 | Open Access

Clinics In Oncology

Clinics In Oncology

Clinics In Oncology, a multifaceted, international, open access journal that publishes trnding and up-to-date information from all the related fields of medical and clinical disciplines.

ISSN: 2474-1663 | Open Access

Clinics In Surgery

Clinics In Surgery

Clinics In Surgery, a multifaceted, international, open access journal that publishes trnding and up-to-date information from all the related fields of medical and clinical disciplines.

ISSN: 2474-1647 | Open Access

World Journal of Surgery and Surgical Research

World Journal of Surgery and Surgical Research

World Journal of Surgery and Surgical Research, a multifaceted, international, open access journal that publishes trnding and up-to-date information from all the related fields of medical and clinical disciplines.

ISSN: 2637-4625 | Open Access

Highly Regarded Open Access Journals


  1. Academy Journal of Surgery Case Reports 
  2. American Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Research ISSN: 2835-656X
  3. American Journal of Arthritis ISSN: 2689-9507
  4. American Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials ISSN: 2578-8841
  5. American Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics ISSN: 2638-437X
  6. American Journal of Leukemia Research ISSN: 2835-5342
  7. American Journal of Medicine and Public Health ISSN: 2771-943X
  8. American Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery ISSN: 2640-6640
  9. American Journal of Pharmacology ISSN: 2641-1377
  10. Annals of Arthritis and Clinical Rheumatology ISSN: 2641-9009
  11. Annals of Bone and Joint Surgery 
  12. Annals of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ISSN: 2689-9469
  13. Annals of Cardiovascular Surgery ISSN: 2689-937X
  14. Annals of Chronic Diseases ISSN: 2835-6748
  15. Annals of Clinical Anesthesia Research ISSN: 2836-5208
  16. Annals of Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology 
  17. Annals of Clinical Immunology & Microbiology 
  18. Annals of Clinical Medicine and Research ISSN: 2771-9421
  19. Annals of Clinical Otolaryngology ISSN: 2573-8763
  20. Annals of Clinical Radiology ISSN: 2644-0326
  21. Annals of Clinical Surgery ISSN: 2998-2391
  22. Annals of Clinical Toxicology ISSN: 2641-905X
  23. Annals of Clinical Virology ISSN: 2835-6608
  24. Annals of Diabetes Research ISSN: 2835-6284
  25. Annals of Digestive and Liver Disease ISSN: 2638-4361
  26. Annals of Gynecology and Obstetrics Research ISSN: 2641-1385
  27. Annals of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology ISSN: 2475-5664
  28. Annals of Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology ISSN: 2638-356X
  29. Annals of Medicine and Medical Research ISSN: 2638-4388
  30. Annals of Microbiology and Immunology ISSN: 2640-6683
  31. Annals of Neurological Surgery ISSN: 2766-8533
  32. Annals of Nursing and Primary Care ISSN: 2640-6756
  33. Annals of Nutrition & Food Science ISSN: 2835-5202
  34. Annals of Orthopedics and Musculoskeletal Disorders ISSN: 2638-3586
  35. Annals of Palliative Care & Medicine 
  36. Annals of Pediatric Research ISSN: 2835-7469
  37. Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics ISSN: 2573-6051
  38. Annals of Physiotherapy Clinics ISSN: 2638-4582
  39. Annals of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery ISSN: 2689-9426
  40. Annals of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience ISSN: 2641-9157
  41. Annals of Radiation Therapy and Oncology ISSN: 2577-8757
  42. Annals of Short Reports ISSN: 2640-6691
  43. Annals of Stem Cell Research & Therapy ISSN: 2835-6675
  44. Annals of Surgical Case Reports ISSN: 2640-6705
  45. Annals of Transplantation Research ISSN: 2835-5512
  46. Annals of Trauma and Acute Care ISSN: 2766-8487
  47. Annals of Urological Research ISSN: 2573-9867


  1. Clinics in Pediatrics ISSN: 2644-0512

Discontinued Journals

These journals are discontinued and not accepting submissions anymore.

  1. Advances in Clinical Cardiology 
  2. Alzheimer's & Dementia International 
  3. American Journal of Blood Reviews 
  4. American Journal of Cancer Research and Therapy 
  5. American Journal of Head and Neck Cancer 
  6. American Journal of Kidney Research and Clinical Practice 
  7. American Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 
  8. Annals of Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 
  9. Annals of Atherosclerosis Research ISSN: 2644-0393
  10. Annals of Autism & Developmental Disorders 
  11. Annals of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 
  12. Annals of Biomedical Technology & Engineering 
  13. Annals of Biometry & Biostatistics 
  14. Annals of Biotechnology & Bioengineering 
  15. Annals of Blood Cancer 
  16. Annals of Cardiology Research and Practice 
  17. Annals of Cell & Developmental Biology 
  18. Annals of Clinical Anatomy 
  19. Annals of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 
  20. Annals of Clinical Hepatology ISSN: 2689-9485
  21. Annals of Clinical Investigation 
  22. Annals of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics ISSN: 2641-9017
  23. Annals of Colorectal Cancer Research 
  24. Annals of Community Medicine & Public Health 
  25. Annals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine ISSN: 2835-6322
  26. Annals of Current Diabetes Reports 
  27. Annals of Current Gastroenterology Reports 
  28. Annals of Cytology & Histology 
  29. Annals of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 
  30. Annals of Drugs and Therapeutics 
  31. Annals of Epilepsy & Seizures ISSN: 2644-0458
  32. Annals of Genetics & Genetic Disorders ISSN: 2771-9464
  33. Annals of Hypertension ISSN: 2641-9076
  34. Annals of Integrative Medicine ISSN: 2638-356X
  35. Annals of Integrative Oncology ISSN: 2766-144X
  36. Annals of Lung Cancer Research 
  37. Annals of Malaria Research 
  38. Annals of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants 
  39. Annals of Medicinal Chemistry 
  40. Annals of Molecular Science 
  41. Annals of Multiple Sclerosis Research 
  42. Annals of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 
  43. Annals of Obesity & Related Diseases 
  44. Annals of Orthopedic Surgery Research ISSN: 2644-0520
  45. Annals of Pain Medicine ISSN: 2644-0423
  46. Annals of Pharmacology and Toxicology 
  47. Annals of Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety 
  48. Annals of Plant Pathology Research 
  49. Annals of Pregnancy and Birth ISSN: 2644-0466
  50. Annals of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine 
  51. Annals of Rehabilitation Research and Practice 
  52. Annals of Research and Reviews 
  53. Annals of Robotic Surgery 
  54. Annals of Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders 
  55. Annals of Sleep Medicine Research 
  56. Annals of Spine Research 
  57. Annals of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 
  58. Annals of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine ISSN: 2641-1369
  59. Annals of Surgical Endoscopy 
  60. Annals of Thoracic Oncology Research ISSN: 2835-6616
  61. Annals of Thoracic Surgery Research 
  62. Annals of Vascular Medicine ISSN: 2641-919X
  63. Annals of Women's Health 
  64. Annual Review of Hematology & Oncology 
  65. Archives of Food Science and Technology ISSN: 2835-5288
  66. Archives of Gastroenterological Case Reports ISSN: 2835-6594
  67. Bioinformatics International 
  68. Clinics in Foot & Ankle Surgery 
  69. Clinics in Pediatric Surgery 
  70. Clinics in Respiratory Medicine ISSN: 2835-5407
  71. Clinics in Stroke 
  72. Global Journal of Emergency Medicine 
  73. International Journal of Sensors 
  74. International Journal of Thyroid Research ISSN: 2835-6551
  75. Journal of Cancer & Cure 
  76. Journal of Cancer Clinics ISSN: 2689-9523
  77. Journal of Clinical Surgery and Case Reports 
  78. Journal of Heart and Stroke ISSN: 2475-5702
  79. Journal of Infection and Immunity 
  80. Journal of Neuroscience & Cognitive Studies ISSN: 2835-5504
  81. Journal of Oncology and Cancer 
  82. Journal of Surgery and Implants 
  83. Material Science & Engineering Journal 
  84. Nursing Studies and Practice International ISSN: 2835-6365
  85. Radiotherapy & Oncology International 
  86. Surgical Oncology & Clinical Practice Journal 
  87. World Journal of Blood 
  88. World Journal of Clinical Pathology ISSN: 2641-9831
  89. World Journal of Depression and Anxiety 

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