Ann Nutr Food Sci | Volume 2, Issue 4 | Research Article | Open Access
Maria Iranilde Rocha de Andrade, Arthur Claudio Rodrigues de Sousa, Fernando Antonio Pinto de Abreu, Silvio Furtado Ximenes and Deborah dos Santos Garruti*
Deborah dos Santos Garruti, Laboratory of Sensory Analysis, Embrapa Tropical Agroindusytry, Av. Dr. Sara Mesquita, Brazil
*Correspondance to: Deborah dos Santos Garruti
Fulltext PDFCashew is a highly nutritive fruit native to Brazil, but the high astringency of its integral juice limits its acceptability and consumption. Using tangential microfiltration process it is already possible to reduce up to 97% of the tannin present in the cashew juice. Making use of this same technology, the present work studied the changes in the volatile composition caused by this process, monitored by sensory evaluation. Cashew juice was obtained from the processing of cashew apples in an expeller extractor. The juice was clarified in a microfiltration pilot scale plant. Volatile compounds were extracted through vacuum evaporation, trapped into a polymer membrane and analyzed by GCMS. Difference-from-control sensory test was applied to verify aroma sensitive changes between the integral and clarified juice. Cashew juice clarification by tangential microfiltration provoked a few alterations on the juice’s volatile profile, but these changes did not impair the characteristic cashew aroma in the clarified juice.
Annacardium occidentale L; Pseudofruit; Peduncle; Volatile compounds; Sensory analysis
de Andrade MIR, de Sousa ACR, de Abreu FAP, Ximenes SF, dos Santos Garruti D. Changes in Cashew Apple Juice Flavor after Tangential Microfiltration Process. Ann Nutr Food Sci. 2018; 2(4): 1029.