Ann Nutr Food Sci | Volume 1, Issue 2 | Short Communication | Open Access

Polyphenols - What's Behind their Antiaging Brain Reputation?

Sarubbo F, Moranta D, Miralles A and Esteban S*

Department of Biology, University Institute of Research in Health Sciences, Spain

*Correspondance to: Esteban S 

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The timeline by year of PubMed website shows as more than hundred documents appears under the search of the formula “polyphenols+brain+aging”, being the beginnings of the present century the initial period of this eye-catching interest. This fact inevitably poses a question -what's behind the antiaging brain reputation of polyphenols? The alteration of brain functionality, the cognitive and motor decline characteristic of brain aging process are due in part by the increase in oxidative stress and the phenomenon known as inflammaging. For this reason, if there are molecules able to prevent aging these should be able to counteract these processes. This is part of the attractive of polyphenols, who apart from being natural molecules reachable in diet, have also antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, among other antiaging properties that become them suitable to prevent brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases, acting on neurons and glia, by crossing the blood brain barrier. This communication is focus on explaining through recent articles why polyphenols have become promising molecules in the fight against the consequences of brain aging and neurodegeneration.


Sarubbo F, Moranta D, Miralles A, Esteban S. Polyphenols - What's Behind their Antiaging Brain Reputation? Ann Nutr Food Sci. 2018; 1(2): 1009.

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