The document needs to be prepared in English language. The manuscript needs to be documented, maintaining double-spacing between lines along with a large margin. All the pages of the document needs to be numbered in a sequence, including those containing Figures, Tabular columns, acknowledgements, references, etc. The documents containing the manuscript should be a single MS Word file. All figures and tables related to the manuscript need to be attached in the same word file. Submit your manuscript as an email attachment to [email protected].
Submission of a manuscript to the Remedy Open Access journal directly implies that all the authors have read and agreed to the journal’s guidelines. The content present in the manuscript after publication will be freely available to all the potential readers over the Internet for noncommercial use.
The content provided by the authors in the manuscript should at no point of time breach the Copyrights or rights of third party. The manuscript submitted should not be published or submitted for consideration in any other journal.
The journal follows double-blind peer-review process. This is done with the aim to minimize the possibility of a biased opinion when the reviewers know who the authors are and from where they come from, ensuring a responsible and ethical environment.
The submitted research article should contain no more than 4500–5000 words. There is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns.
The word count for a review article is 4000–5000 words, with no limitation on the number of pages, tables, and images being used.
The maximum word count for a case report is 1200–1600 words. Having no limit on the number of pages, figures, and references.
While submitting clinical images, a maximum of 2 images needs to be used along with a word limit of 150 words.
Should specify the research study in focus and specify the author’s opinion using a maximum of 1200–1300 words.
A special issue publication is a group 10–15 articles on a specific theme, and a special issue article should contain a maximum of 4000–5000 words, with no limit on the number of references, pages, and images being used.
A maximum of 1000–1500 words, with no specification on the number of pages, references, and images used.
All the manuscripts that are submitted to Remedy Open Access journal need to be submitted in the following format:
Along with the manuscript, a mandatory cover letter needs to be submitted.
Title and Authorship Information
The following information should be included
A brief introduction to the topic needs to be given, specifying the highlights of the study.
By submitting your manuscript to the journal, you give your consent for the materials described in the manuscript, which would include the complete data that will be freely available to researchers and scientists who intend to use it for non-commercial purpose, without violating participant’s confidentiality.
In this section, the authors can bring out their key experimental results, including any statistical analysis and whether or not the results of their study are significant.
In this section, the author is free to mention the individuals or contributors who have directly or indirectly provided any technical assistance to the original work and would not be considered to meet the criteria for authorship. The authors must seek the consent of the individual or contributors, whom they would like to mention in this section as a matter of courtesy.
Vancouver system of referencing. A unique Arabic number is assigned to every citation mentioned in the manuscript. The numbers are assigned in a sequential order. The same reference numbered has to be mentioned when the citation is repeated. The numbering can be shown in brackets or as superscript without brackets.
All the references that are being used are numbered in the order they are first mentioned. The reference numbers for tables and legends have to be used along with the parenthesis. In the event of reuse of the earlier reference, the same reference number needs to be used.
The authors’ surname must be followed by their initials, the abbreviation et al is used after the first six authors names; followed by the title of the paper; then the title of the journal (abbreviated according to the style in the indexing platform []), if the journal is not indexed, the full title of the journal needs to be mentioned; year in which it was published; volume number; first and last page numbers. Punctuations need to be carefully and correctly used.
Walkman LJ, Richards M. Anti Inflammatory drugs and their side effects people. A J Gas Surg. 2000; 35(2): 281-293.
Author 01, Author 02, Author 03, Author 04, Author 05, Author 06, et al. Anti inflammatory drugs and their side effects people. A J Gas Surg. 2000; 35(2): 281–293.
Richard MV, Stephenie A. Outbreak of H1N1 virus. In: Geoffrey M, editor. Spread of epidemics. 2nd ed. California: SJ Brooks; 2001. p. 134–7.
For electronic media:
Parker WJ, Gene expression under thermal stress. Genomical Online Journal. 2011 [cited 2011 Sep 27]. Available from:
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Authors facing a challenge to make any corrections to the electronic copy may consider taking a printout and making the changes on the hard copy.
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Once the article is accepted by the journal, the APC is due on the author. Authors will have sufficient time from the date of submission to acceptance for deciding whether to continue publication or withdraw the submission. So, fee once paid will not be refunded at any situation as the journal publishes articles under Open Access platform, fee paid by the authors will be spent towards the costs associated with the process and publication.
Submission of a manuscript to the Remedy Open Access journal directly implies that all the authors have read and agreed to the journal’s guidelines. The content present in the manuscript after publication will be freely available to all the potential readers over the Internet for non commercial use.
The content provided by the authors in the manuscript should at no point of time breach the Copyrights or rights of third party. The manuscript submitted should not be published or submitted for consideration in any other journal.
Manuscripts with plagiarized content will not be considered for peer-review process.
Disclosure statements of all the co-authors need to be sent at the time of submission. Manuscripts submitted without the disclosure statement will be considered incomplete and may not be considered to be reviewed.
Reprints would be available 2 weeks after the publication of the article in the concerned journal. For information and price, contact by sending an Email to the editor at [email protected]