J Respir Med Lung Dis | Volume 5, Issue 2 | Review Article | Open Access
Uğur Koca1*, Mehmet Yıldız1, Ugur YL1 and Demirdöven BT2
1Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey 2Department of Emergency, Seyfi Demirsoy State Hospital, Turkey
Fulltext PDFExponential function defines the situation where the rate of change in a function is proportional to the size of the variable. For example; while expiratory flow is highest at the beginning during a passive expiration, the lung volume decreases as expiry progresses as it approaches functional residual capacity. Time Constant refers to the rate of change in the function. While short-time functions change quickly, long-time functions change slowly. Pressure gradient is required for a flow to occur and a displacement of volume in mechanical ventilation. The movement equation reflects the pressure change that occurs in the airway opening during breathing. According to equality, the lung is equally expanded in all directions (isotropic expansion). Airway resistance is influenced by current, breath volume and airway dimensions. Total respiratory system compliance is the sum of the compliance of the lung and rib cage.
Exponential functions; Resistance; Compliance
Koca U, Yıldız M, Ugur YL, Demirdöven BT. Mechanical Ventilation. J Respir Med Lung Dis. 2020; 5(2): 1054.