J Respir Med Lung Dis | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Halil Yanardag1, Cuneyt Tetikkurt2*, Muammer Bilir1 and Emre Yanardag3
1Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul Cerrahpasa University, Turkey 2Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Istanbul Cerrahpasa University, Turkey 3Department of Internal Medicine, Haseki State Hospital, Turkey
*Correspondance to: Cuneyt Tetikkurt
Fulltext PDFA 52 year old male presented with a swelling in the left parotid region and erythematous plaques with silvery scale on the arms. He had a 5 pack-year smoking history. The patient had sarcoidosis for eight, coronary atherosclerosis for five and COPD for three years. Family history did not reveal any disease. Physical examination revealed erythematous plaques with silvery scale on the arms. Electrocardiogram and chest X-ray revealed normal findings. Blood count and serum biochemistry were within normal limits. Thorax CT revealed randomly distributed micronodules in both lungs. PET/CT showed a hypermetabolic lesion in the posteromedial region of the left parotid gland. Pathologic examination of the cutaneous lesions revealed psoriasiform sarcoidosis. Histopathology of the transbronchial lung biopsy revealed non classified granulomatous inflammation while pathology of the needle aspiration biopsy of the parotid gland was compatible with papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum. Histopathologic examination of the skin true cut biopsy sample demonstrated psoriasiform sarcoidosis. We present a case of psoriasiform sarcoidosis with coexistent papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum that has not been reported in the literature previously. The aim of this case report is to investigate the association between the coexistence of the aforementioned parotid tumor and the psoriasiform sarcoidosis.
Sarcoidosis; Pulmonary function tests; Prognosis; PFT; DLCO/VA
Yanardag H, Tetikkurt C, Bilir M, Yanardag E. Papillary Cystadenoma Lymphomatosum in a Patient with Psoriasiform Sarcoidosis. J Respir Med Lung Dis. 2020; 5(1): 1048.