Int J Intern Emerg Med | Volume 4, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

Evolution of Diagnosis from Tuberculosis to Dual Fungal Infection

Pratik Savaj*

Infectious Diseases Consultant, India

*Correspondance to: Pratik Savaj 

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Invasive mold infections are not only seen in immunocompromised but also common in immunocompetent individual. The rate of fungal infections is rising because of wide spread use of antibiotics, immunosuppressant and certain environmental factors. The availability of fungal biomarkers like galactomannan, beta D glucan has helped in the early diagnosis of fungal infections. Early clinical suspicion and appropriate use of biomarkers with tissue diagnosis allow us to select appropriate antifungal therapy. We present a case of young individual from India presented with pneumonia which initially thought to have tuberculosis later diagnosed with dual fungal infection.



Savaj P. Evolution of Diagnosis from Tuberculosis to Dual Fungal Infection. Int J Intern Emerg Med. 2021; 4(1): 1041.

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