Arch food sci technol | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Mortensen MN1, Larsen AK1, Skadhauge LB2,3, Høgsted RH1, Kolding J1, Beermann T2,3, Rasmussen HH2,3,4, Mikkelsen BE5 and Holst M2,3,4*
1Kulinarium, Patient kitchen, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark
2Center for Nutrition and Bowel Disease, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark
3Department of Gastroenterology, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark
4Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark
5Department of Learning & Philosophy, Aalborg University, Denmark
Background: Inadequate dietary intake is a common problem in hospital. The cause varies and both lacks of appetizing food as well as snacks tailored to patients at nutritional risk seem to be a barrier. The aims of this study were to gain insight into patient’s eating patterns, food and drinking preferences and appetite for in-between meals.
Methods: A case study based on semi-structured interviews combined with visual image selection were used for collecting data on nutritional risk patients admitted to the department of pulmonary medicine and abdominal surgery. Data were collected during morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Furthermore, a numerical rating scale was used to evaluate appetite on the three given time points. Data were analyzed descriptively and statistically. Ranked descriptive analysis was performed of all selected images and between departments and gender and category food texture score related to appetite score were investigated.
Results: A total of fourteen patients participated with 38 interviews and 37 image selection sessions. Many of the participants only had in-between meals in the afternoon at home as well as in hospital. The findings from the image selection showed a broad selection of food items with some variety between departments and gender. The appetite was found moderately affected and a tendency towards association between low appetite and desire for softer food texture and liquids were seen.
Energy-protein malnutrition; Hospital meals; Appetite; Protein and energy fortification; Food fortification; Malnutrition; Image selection
Mortensen MN, Larsen AK, Skadhauge LB, Høgsted RH, Kolding J, Beermann T, et al. An Investigation Exploring Patients Eating Patterns, Food, Drinking and Texture Preferences, and Appetite for in-between Meals during Hospitalization. Arch Food Sci Technol. 2019; 1(1): 1002..