Ann Clin Otolaryngol | Volume 6, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Losano TI*, Castellani GB, Zackova M and Uneddu M
Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute, Bologna, Italy
Fulltext PDFWe report a case of a post-tracheotomy suprastomal granuloma causing airway obstruction in a 51-year-old man suffering from a Guillain-Barre Syndrome. The patient had undergone a percutaneous tracheostomy. During rehabilitation period, the patient presented stridor when tracheotomy tube was closed and alteration of the respiratory functionality. An endoscopy procedure was performed and revealed the airway was obstructed by a suprastomal tracheal granuloma. A CT (Computed Tomography) scan confirmed it. The granuloma was managed with the positioning of a Rusch TPS multiflex armored tracheostomy retainer number 6 adapted to the patient’s anatomy. The patient was successfully decannulated 2 months after the positioning of the prosthesis with no granuloma recurrence. To the best of our knowledge, the conservative treatment of a tracheal granuloma using a TPS multiflex tracheal silicone prosthesis has not been previously reported. This procedure gives us a chance to treat fragile patients with a minimally invasive technique.
Losano TI, Castellani GB, Zackova M, Uneddu M. Conservative Treatment of Suprastomal Granuloma. Ann Clin Otolaryngol. 2021;6(1):1051.