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Volume 5, Issue 2

Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2021;5(2):1043. | Research Article | Open Access
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A Survey Study on the Vulnerability of the Young Population Attending Saint Jean De Dieu Hospital in Afagnan, Togo

Gayito Adagba Rene Ayaovi*, Boboe Jordan, Amegble Jude, Agbedey Messan Semefa, Chamutu Maheshe, Megninou Mahuklo Ulrich Brice, Karka Assesimpah P, Ganglo Maturin, Bourou Luc, Hounwaye D Armand, Hessou Thierry, Degboto Fabienne Senami Ahouefa and Mehinto Kuassi Delphin

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Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2021;5(2):1042. | Case Series | Open Access
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Fracture of the Penis about 2 Cases and Review of the Literature

Gayito Adagba Rene A, Aholou Mawuton AR, Nzuwa Nsilu Joel, Azakpa Assogba L, Gbegnon Lionel ED, Aketre Alagra, Kedalo Gildas F, Vignonzan Ulrich, Agonhou Regis, Boisnard Oscar, Duchnycz Laure, Seynaeve Sophie and Amegblejude KD

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Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2021;5(2):1040. | Research Article | Open Access
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The Optimal Timing of Ambu® AuraOnceTM Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion with Propofol Induction

Wei Chen, Rebecca Downey, Richard Sheu, Hui Qu, Iwona Bonney and Peishan Zhao

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Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2021;5(2):1039. | Clinical Image | Open Access
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Case Report: Regional Anesthesia Application in a Patient with Total Situs Inversus Anomaly

Deniz Turan and Serdar Epozdemir

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