Ann Clin Anesth Res | Volume 5, Issue 2 | Research Article | Open Access
Gayito Adagba Rene Ayaovi*, Boboe Jordan, Amegble Jude, Agbedey Messan Semefa, Chamutu Maheshe, Megninou Mahuklo Ulrich Brice, Karka Assesimpah P, Ganglo Maturin, Bourou Luc, Hounwaye D Armand, Hessou Thierry, Degboto Fabienne Senami Ahouefa and Mehinto Kuassi Delphin
Department of General Surgery, Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital, Togo
*Correspondance to: Gayito Adagba Rene Ayaovi
Fulltext PDFObjectives: To study the vulnerability of the young population attending Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital in Afagnan. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study that took place from July 04th, 2016 to August 4th, 2017, study duration of 13 months in Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital of Afagnan. The study population was youth seen in consultation during the study period. Through a series of questions, the knowledge of HIV/AIDS, the acceptability of the HIV test, and the risks to sexuality were assessed. Results: The overall series consisted of 1505 patients including 854 (57.7%) men and 651 (43.7%) women. Of the study participants, 99.3% were single. In relation to social life, 6.6% of patients reported having gone to a nightclub in the last 12 months with a statistically significant difference (p<0.001) on the one hand and 3.5% of patients reported very often watching movies pornographic in the last 12 months. The average age at first report was 17.9 years. Of the 694 (47.7%) sexually active youth, 72.9% reported using a condom during their last sexual encounter. Conclusion: The hypotheses set out at the beginning of our study have been verified. In fact, young people attending the Saint Jean de Tanguieta Hospital in Benin have a weak knowledge of HIV/ AIDS and the acceptability of the HIV test is mediocre.
HIV/AIDS; Afagnan; Vulnerability
Ayaovi GAR, Jordan B, Jude A, Semefa AM, Maheshe C, Brice MMU, et al. A Survey Study on the Vulnerability of the Young Population Attending Saint Jean De Dieu Hospital in Afagnan, Togo. Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2021;5(2):1043..