American Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials aims to publish novel and state of art articles related to clinical microbiology, antimicrobials and their related aspects covering a broad scope of the discipline. This journal makes every effort to be one among the clinical microbiology journal's list international available online through publishing innovative researches in the field.
Microbiology journal serves as a scientific bridge for all the researchers, clinicians, and readers to share and discuss their knowledge about the recent and advanced techniques in clinical microbiology and its related sub-disciplines. The journal of clinical microbiology secondary task is to top the open access microbiology journals through publishing qualitative novel articles in the field. Microbiology journal welcomes the articles from Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, Protozoology, Chlamydiology and Rickettsiology, Mycobacteriology, Additionally, this journal also publishes studies which includes mechanism of antibiotic resistance, pharmacology actions, antimicrobial and antiviral agents.
Remedy Publications is an online publication house which provides best source for latest updates and the best platform for all the Microbiologists and other expertise. This microbiology journal aims to aid the scientific community by bringing awareness about recent research outputs and works on globally visible platforms like Open access journals.
American Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials accepts full length original research articles, review articles, perspectives, short communications, commentaries, clinical images, case reports, editorials and more. All the manuscripts submitted to the journal are subjected to double blinded peer review process and journal editorial board ensures to maintain the quality of articles.