Am J Cancer Res Ther | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Mini Review | Open Access

Zebrafish Bronchial Cancer Model

Malathi T*

Department of Pharmacy, Senghundhar College of Pharmacy, India

*Correspondance to: Malathi T* 

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Cytoskeleton Regulator RNA (CYTOR) is essential for the growth of human cancer. In comparison
to mouse xenograft technology, zebrafish xenograft approach is more frequently used in human
cancer research. This model facilitates the study of CYTOR RNA activity in vivo. It is advantageous
to comprehend how CYTOR RNA works in the growth and invasion of lung cancer cells. Zebrafish
xenografts provide evidence for the in vivo role of CYTOR in research. In vivo confocal imaging
helped pinpoint the specific roles of CYTOR in cell proliferation. Additionally, research on zebrafish
xenograft models and cultured cells were done to see if CYTOR might be used medicinally to treat
tumors. CYTOR In SPCA1 and in the A549 lung cancer cell line, CYTOR inhibition was shown to
diminish cell proliferation and invasion in conjunction with an EGFR inhibitor in utero. Human
alveolar basal epithelial cells that is cyanogenic. Knockdown of CYTOR reduced lung cancer cell
proliferation, growth, and migration in a zebrafish xenograft model, as observed by two imaging
techniques at different magnifications. These cells, also known as A549 cells, were the first isolated
and cultured from malignant lung tissue found in a tumor discovered in a 58-year-old Caucasian
man in 1972. Additionally, afatinib's capacity to slow the progression of lung cancer in zebrafish
xenograft models and cultured lung cancer cells was enhanced by the suppression of CYTOR.
Our study illustrates the oncogenic activities and tumor treatment potential of CYTOR in lung
cancer using a zebrafish xenograft model. As a result, this model can be applied to functional and
application studies of the RNAs that regulate the human cytoskeleton in the biology of tumors.




Malathi T. Zebrafish Bronchial Cancer Model. Am J Cancer Res Ther. 2023; 1(2): 1006..

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