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Volume 3, Issue 2

Open J Public Health. 2021;3(2):1025. | Research Article | Open Access
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Fear of COVID-19 Immunization among the Rural Population of Haryana

Gulia N, Shyam R and Singh A

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Open J Public Health. 2021;3(2):1024. | Commentary | Open Access
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The Challenges and Opportunities for Innovative, Cheaper and Sustainable Public Health Compliant Disinfectant Technology - Trials and Tribulations of a Textile Industry in South of India and Its Initiatives to Locally Combat Contagions Including COVID-19 Management

Juluri R Rao

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Open J Public Health. 2021;3(2):1023. | Research Article | Open Access
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Vaccine Hesitancy among Dentists towards COVID-19 Vaccination: A Cross-Sectional Study

Rola Al Habashneh, Dalia Al Ajeilat, Tahani Abu Al-teen T and Mohammad Al Rawashdehd

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Open J Public Health. 2021;3(2):1022. | Review Article | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Perspectives and Understanding of the Policy Makers and Local Authorities Towards Decentralization and How It Affects Health Financing and Budget Allocation at Municipality Level in Timor-Leste

Joao S Martins, Teresa A Madeira, Jose Dionisio, Natalia Pereira, Antonio Ximenes, Manuel Fernandes and Vicente de Paulo Correira

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