Oncol Case Rep J | Volume 4, Issue 2 | Case Report | Open Access
Perera RP1*, Balawardena J1 and de Silva C2
1General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka
2University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
*Correspondance to: Naullage Ranga Priyankara Perera
Fulltext PDFAccessory mammary tissue is a rarity of breast development. Approximately 6% of women develop accessory breasts along the embryological milk line. There are some reported cases of malignancy in the axillary breast but only a few case reports in the world literature regarding breast carcinoma of the accessory breast in the anterior chest wall. We report this case of a 52-year-old patient presenting with breast carcinoma in an accessory breast on the anterior chest wall with a review of the current literature.
Perera RP, Balawardena J, de Silva C. An Unusual Case of Breast Carcinoma in Aberrant Breast Tissue on the Anterior Chest Wall. Oncol Case Report J. 2021;4(2):1039..