Neurol Case Rep | Volume 3, Issue 2 | Clinical Video Article | Open Access
Lea Pollak*
Department of Neurology, Neurological Clinic, Kupat Cholim Macabi, Israel
*Correspondance to: Lea Pollak
Fulltext PDFInvoluntary movements of facial muscles such as jaw tremor, oromandibular dyskinesia, dystonia, facial myoclonus or hemifacial spasm are common in clinical practice. A 52-year old woman with a 15 year history of upper limb tremor complained of recent spread of the tremor to her face. On examination a moderate kinetic and action, mildly asymmetric tremor of the arms was present. On voluntary and spontaneous smiling bilateral twitching of the buccal muscles was observed.
Periorbital twitching; Essential tremor; Tardive dyskinesia
Pollak L. Perioral Twitching during Smiling - A Rare form of Essential Tremor. Neurol Case Rep. 2020;3(2):1020..