J Surg Tech Proced | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

Use of Radix Scutellariae, Phellodendri Cortex, Rhizoma Coptidis, in Grade II AB Burn Patients with a Surface Area of 8% to 10% at Satiti Prima Husada General Hospital Tulungagung, Indonesia

Purnama DK, Sanyoto WH and Utami AT*

Satiti Prima Husada General Hospital, Tulungagung Regency, Indonesia

*Correspondance to: Amalia Tri Utami 

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Background: Severe burns but refuses debridement so an affordable alternative treatment with good results is needed. We report the delivery of a new therapy using MEBO ointment (Radix Scutellariae, Phellodendri Cortex, Rhizoma Coptidis) in pediatric patients with grade 2 A-B burns. Case Report: Five-year-old girl weighing 16 kg with a diagnosis of Combustio grade 2A-B with a wound area of ± 8% to 10% due to exposure to hot water 3 days before entering the hospital. It was planned for debridement but refused and was treated using a wound care process, namely washing thoroughly with NaCl 0.9%, after that pouring savlon, then pouring NaCl 0.9% again and next using MEBO ointment, followed by giving sulfratule, wet gauze, dry gauze, then covered with rolled gauze. Conclusion: MEBO ointment is quite effective in treating burns in children grade 2A-B with a wound area of ± 8% to 10% due to exposure to hot water without any reported side effects and in a relatively short wound healing time.


Herbal Oint; MEBO cream; Burns; Combustio grade 2


Purnama DK, Sanyoto WH, Utami AT. Use of Radix Scutellariae, Phellodendri Cortex, Rhizoma Coptidis, in Grade II AB Burn Patients with a Surface Area of 8% to 10% at Satiti Prima Husada General Hospital Tulungagung, Indonesia. J Surg Tech Proced. 2023; 7(1): 1058..

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