J Oncol Can | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Maram Mohammed Fathi and Rufida Elbushra
Department of Radiological Sciences, Inaya Medical Colleges, Saudi Arabia
*Correspondance to: Maram Mohammed Fathi
Fulltext PDFCase report for a 31-year-old female with history of hypothyroidism comes to obstetrician for clinical evaluation of primary infertility after two months of thyroidectomy. Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan (TVS) was requested for a symptomatic patient and illustrate that bilateral adnexal mass, heterogeneous appearance and contain echogenic foci with posterior acoustic shadow (teeth) and linear hyperechoic appearance (hair) differential diagnosis was ovarian teratoma, and ectopic pregnancy. Patient sends to MRI for more evaluation which represents bilateral ovarian dermoid cysts. Mass removed by laparoscopy and send to histopathology. This case considers unique because it has a clear relation between disturbance of thyroid hormones ‘and existence of ovarian masses, also it was rare occurrence of dermoid cysts in both side of ovaries, moreover the patient did not have any symptoms although the size of mass was the right cyst measures 6 cm × 3.8 cm and the left cyst measures 5.8 cm × 4.4 cm, with no ovarian torsion
Hypothyroidism; Bilateral ovarian teratoma; A symptomatic
Fathi MM, Elbushra R. Bilateral Ovarian Teratoma: A Case Report. J Oncol Cancer. 2021;1(1):1001.