J Hematol Mult Myeloma | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access

Immunotherapy in Multiple Myeloma

Caitlin Costello MD*

Moores Cancer Center, University of California, San Diego, USA

*Correspondance to: Caitlin Costello MD 

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The treatment of multiple myeloma has evolved significantly over the past decades, spanning from alkylator-based therapy to the more recent novel therapies that include proteasome inhibition and immunomodulatory agents. The introduction of immunotherapy to the treatment landscape of multiple myeloma has led to the development of new strategies and therapies that engage the immune system to enhance intrinsic anti-myeloma activity. Many novel immunotherapy strategies including monoclonal antibodies, adoptive cell therapy and vaccine development, are currently under investigation in clinical trials. In this review, we will discuss immune-based strategies currently approved as well as various immune approaches being actively investigated.


Immunotherapy; Multiple myeloma; Vaccines; Tumor antigens; Monoclonal antibodies; CAR-T; Adoptive cell therapy


Costello C. Immunotherapy in Multiple Myeloma. J Hematol Mult Myeloma.2016;1(1):1002.

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