J Gastroenterol Hepatol Endosc | Volume 4, Issue 3 | Case Report | Open Access

The Influence of Infection, Diabetic Disease and Neoplastic Disease on the Occurrence of Dehiscence Laparotomy

Milorad Paunovic

Clinical Center of Serbia, Serbia

*Correspondance to: Milorad Paunovic* 

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The aim of this paper is to determine the influnce of infection, diabetic and neoplastic disease on the occurrence of dehiscence of laparotomy. In our prospective study we first collect data after surgery of 1063 patients in hospital in Serbia. The investigated patients were divided into two groups: a group of patients who had complications-dehiscence of laparotomy with 46 patients and a control group (patients who did not have dehiscence of laparotomy) with 1017 patients. The influence of infection, diabetic and neoplastic disease on the occurrence of dehiscence of laparotomy was analyzed. In our study is no statistically significant relationship between dehiscence of laparotomy and diabetic disease. There is statistically significant association between infection, neoplastic disease and dehiscence of laparotomy.


Paunovic M. The Influence of Infection, Diabetic Disease and Neoplastic Disease on the Occurrence of Dehiscence Laparotomy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol Endosc. 2019;4(3):1062..

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