J Forensic Sci Toxicol | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access

In-Vitro Anti-Urolithiatic Evaluation of Tamsulosin against Urolithiasis Induced in Wistar Albino Rats

Srividya Lonkala*

Department of Pharmacy, University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India

*Correspondance to: Srividya Lonkala 

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Urolithiasis is formation of stony concretions in the kidney or bladder or in any part of urinary tract and stone recurrence is most frequently observed. Literature reveals there is no drug or treatment available to inhibit the formation of these caliculi. The present study aims at evaluating the antiurolithiatic activity of tamsulosin on experimentally induced urolithiasis on wistar albino rats. Urolithiasis was induced by oral administration of 1% v/v ethylene glycol in drinking water for 15 days in rats. Ingestion of Ethylene glycol results in hypercalcemia, hyperoxaluria, increased excretion of creatinine, phosphate and uric acid. Oral administration of Tamsulosin at doses of 0.5 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg for 7 days from 8th day to 15th day served as curative regimen significantly reduced the elevated levels of calcium, phosphate, creatinine and uric acid levels. Animals belonging to standard group received Allopurinol 500 mg/kg, p.o. for a period of 7 days 8th day to 15th day. Parameters such as urine volume, pH, urinary calcium output, serum creatinine, serum uric acid and calculi weight were measured at the end of the study. The histopathological studies were performed by sacrificing the animal; these represented disrupted renal parenchymal cells, degenerative changes in glomeruli, calcification in glomerulo tubular structures and microcrystal deposition in the sections of kidney from animals treated with ethylene glycol. In animals treated with Tamsulosin, reduction in calcium, phosphate, creatinine and uric acid levels, microcrystal deposition and calcification in glomerulo tubular structures was less compared to urolithiatic control group. These observations made us conclude that Tamsulosin showed anti-urolithiatic activity against ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis in rats.


Urolithiasis; Tamsulosin; Ethylene glycol; Allopurinol


Lonkala S. In-Vitro Anti-Urolithiatic Evaluation of Tamsulosin against Urolithiasis Induced in Wistar Albino Rats. J Forensic Sci Toxicol. 2020; 3(1): 1011.

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