J Dent Oral Biol | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access
Xinjie Lin1, Yayi Lei1, Jiayu Qiu1,2 and Jing Liu1*
1School of Stomatology, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
2Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
Objective: Bulk-fill resin-based composites are gradually being used in dental treatment now, but only limited data are available on their biocompatibility. The aim of this review is to analyze and compare the cytotoxicity of bulk-fill resins with that of conventional composite resins. At the same time, the mechanisms of the cytotoxic effects were analyzed from the factors of filler, monomer, and initiator. Methods: The narrative review approach was performed. The literature search was conducted using PubMed, Web of science, and EBSCO, and non-English articles were excluded. Results and Conclusion: The cytotoxicity of the resin was evaluated based on different biological endpoints, i.e., cell morphology, cell membrane effect, cellular metabolism, and cell growth ability. Evaluation of cytotoxicity assays can also be categorized into direct contact method, indirect contact method, and extract method according to the mode of contact. According to the results of the above cytotoxicity evaluation methods, the cytotoxicity of most bulk-fill resins at the recommended curing depth is comparable to that of conventional resins. In this review, factors such as fillers, monomers, and initiators were also discussed to analyze the mechanism of cytotoxicity.
Bulk-fill resin; Composite resin; Cytotoxicity; Biocompatibility
Lin X, Lei Y, Qiu J, Liu J. Comparison of Cytotoxicity between Bulk-Fill Resins and Conventional Composite Resins and the Factors Affecting Toxicity. J Dent Oral Biol. 2022; 7(1): 1188..