J Dent Oral Biol | Volume 2, Issue 14 | Research Article | Open Access
Wendl B1*, Muchitsch AP1, Winsauer H2, Walter A3, Droschl H1, Jakse N1, Wendl M4 and Wendl T4
1Clinical Department of Oral Surgery and Orthodontics Medical University Graz, Austria, Billrothgasse 4, A-8010
Graz, Austria
2Private Practice Bregenz
3Departamento de Ortodoncia y Ortopedia dento-facial, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
4Institute of Software Development and Biomedical Engineering, Technical University Graz, Austria
As an alternative to an orthodontic palatal implant this project evaluated two sagittally in the midline of the palate positioned titanium mini-screws as indirect anchorage elements. Over the whole treatment period no complications were observed. The orthodontic treatment was successfully completed. The measurements of lengths and widths carried out on 3D scanned models confirmed the stability of the molar anchorage reinforced by this kind of modified palatal implant.
Wendl B, Muchitsch AP, Winsauer H, Walter A, Droschl H, Jakse N, et al. Miniscrews as a Modified Palatal Implant. J Dent Oral Biol. 2017; 2(14): 1089.