J Dent Oral Biol | Volume 2, Issue 13 | Case Report | Open Access

Endodontic Management of Talon Cusp Causing Apical Periodontitis: A Case Report

Ceyda Gürhan* and Elif Åžener

Department of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Ege University, School of Dentistry, Izmir, Turkey

*Correspondance to: Ceyda Gürhan 

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Talon cusp is a prominent accessory cusp-like structure projecting from the cingulum area or cementoenamel junction (CEJ) of the maxillary or mandibular teeth in both primary and permanent dentition. Etiology is not known completely but genetic and environmental factors are thought to be effective. The management and treatment outcome of a talon cusp depends on its size, presenting complications and patient cooperation. While smaller in size, it is usually asymptomatic and requires no treatment. However, larger in size it may cause various clinical problems necessitating individualized treatment modalities; thus early diagnosis is important for this anomaly. In this case report a successful endodontic management of a periapical lesion in permanent maxillary central incisor tooth associated with a talon cusp is presented with clinical and radiographic findings.


Talon cusp; Dental anomaly; Root canal treatment


Gürhan C, Şener E. Endodontic Management of Talon Cusp Causing Apical Periodontitis: A Case Report. J Dent Oral Biol. 2017; 2(13): 1082.

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