J Clin Ophthalmol Eye Disord | Volume 5, Issue 2 | Research Article | Open Access

A Clinical Study of Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) in Diabetics in Euglycemic and Hyperglycemic States

Anita K, Jaishree S* and Meena J

Department of Ophthalmology, Government Medical College, Kota, India

*Correspondance to: Jaishree Singh 

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Introduction: The central corneal thickness is a sensitive indicator of health of cornea and serves as an index for corneal hydration and metabolism. Normal cornea has a central thickness of 0.52 mm and is thicker paracentrally and peripherally. Aim: To study if there is a change in central corneal thickness in diabetic individuals in hyperglycemic state in comparison to when the same individuals achieve euglycemic state. To measure among diabetics, the central corneal thickness (by optical coherence tomography) in hyperglycemic state and central corneal thickness in the same patients during euglycemic state after 1 month. Material and Methods: This study was conducted on total 100 patients (100 eyes) who were hyperglycemic and were evaluated in the Department of Ophthalmology, Government Medical College, Kota, and Rajasthan in year August 2019 to July 2020 after obtaining informed consent. All diabetic patients undergoing blood sugar measurements whose postprandial blood sugar was more than 200 mg/dl (hyperglycemic state) and Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) was measured by Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT). Subjects were reviewed after 1 month and then 6 months and corneal thickness measured. The CCT values of those patients achieving euglycemic state (postprandial blood sugars <200 mg/dl along with a minimum drop in blood sugar levels of 50 mg/dl from the Previous (hyperglycemic state) were taken for analysis. Results and Conclusion: A total of 100 diabetic patients (100 eyes) who were hyperglycemic were evaluated between August 2019 to July 2020. Euglycemia at 1 month was achieved by 93 patients among those 100 patients. Seven patients were lost to follow up at 1 month and achieve euglycemia at 2 months, 3 patients & 6 months, 4 patients respectively during the study period. Mean CCT in hyperglycemic state was 540.06 ± 28.61 microns and euglycemic state was 531.74 ± 27.95 microns. P value was 0.038 which was weakly statistically significant. Out of 100 patients 93 patients were achieved euglycemic state at 1 month showing significant reduction in CCT at euglycemic state (p value =0.0001) using Bland-Altman Plot. Poorly controlled diabetic had thicker central cornea than well controlled patients. We found that, CCT, decreases significantly by the control of blood sugar.


Central corneal thickness; Hyperglycemic; Euglycemic; Anterior segment OCT; Blood sugar


Anita K, Jaishree S, Meena J. A Clinical Study of Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) in Diabetics in Euglycemic and Hyperglycemic States. J Clin Ophthalmol Eye Disord. 2021; 5(2): 1040.

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