J Clin Obstet Gynecol Infertil | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Walcott Q1*, Stevens T2 and Beale S3
1School of Medicine, University of Kansas Health System, USA 2Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Health System, USA 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Kansas Health Systems, USA
*Correspondance to: Quinnlyn Walcott
Fulltext PDFAbnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) is one of the most common gynecologic conditions. Cavernous hemangiomas of the uterine cervix are extremely rare lesions associated with AUB. A 26-year-old G2P2002 female presented to the office for workup of AUB. The patient described her menstrual cycles as extremely irregular and associated with severe dysmenorrhea and heavy bleeding. Previous work-up failed to reveal a source of the AUB. As the patient continued to have heavy, painful menses, she opted to undergo a Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingectomy (TLH BS). A TLH BS was performed under general anesthesia without complications with all specimens sent to pathology for further analysis. The surgical pathology report revealed a cavernous hemangioma of the cervix as the probable cause of the patient’s AUB. Although uncommon, cervical hemangiomas should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with AUB.
Hemangioma; Abnormal Uterine Bleeding; Cervix; Uterus; Hysterectomy
Walcott Q, Stevens T, Beale S. Cervical Hemangioma. A Rare Source of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A Case Report. J Clin Obstet Gynecol Infertil. 2023; 7(1): 1053..