J Clin Nephrol Kidney Dis | Volume 4, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access

Physical Activity, Energy, Nutrition and Understanding Laboratory Parameters in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients - Pilot Findings Following an Educational Webinar via a Social Media Platform

Muhammad SN1*, Gardner J2, Gardner V2, Karpenko N3, Du W4, Hawthorne S5, Ford M6 and Zappola J7

1Department of Health and Applied Sciences, University of the West of England, UK
2The Renal Patient Support Group, UK
3Renal Mate, USA
4Renal Warrior, USA
5My Balance and Wellness, USA
6Renal Diet HQ, USA
7Personal Trainer, USA

*Correspondance to: Muhammad SN 

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Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is an irreparable long-term illness. CKD influences circulatory dysfunction, anemia, malnourishment, strength degeneration, muscle integrity, glucose imbalance, and decreased bone thickness. Some parameters are more important to monitor than others during physical activity.
Aims: The aim is to identify what biochemical parameters are affected during physical activity in the CKD. In addition, this work provides baseline data of a collaborative webinar summarizing eating for energy and physical activity.
Literature Review: Physical activity has many benefits; some include increased blood flow to dialysis vascular access, increased heart rate and reduces fluid overload. Physical activity can also decrease urea and prepares the immune system for transplantation.
Methodology: The research team had several Skype communications to highlight what physical activity and nutrition understanding could be provided to patients (HD and post-transplant patients) through an open webinar via the Renal Patient Support Group (RPSG). The team decided to keep the information generic, real-life and to provide best practice so CKD patients and careers would benefit the most. The webinar was planned for 30-min plus 15 min for potential questions and answers, respectively.
Results: In December (2018), the research team formally introduced a Wellness and Nutrition webinar to the RPSG membership via its ‘closed' Facebook social media platform. This webinar was well attended and had over 1000 views following initial ‘broadcast', and 27 shares. This was also the first webinar of its kind.
Discussion: Future practice should consider providing context relating to laboratory parameters and physical activity following health consultations.
Recommendations: Involving healthcare scientists, to provide patients with an understanding of laboratory parameters in CKD patients would be advantageous.
Conclusion: There should be more collaboration to enhance practice beyond the clinical environment and a call for more multi-disciplinary ‘outside the box’ working. Live webinars would support part of joined-up healthcare.


Nephrology; Chronic kidney disease; Physical activity; Nutrition; Physiology; Biochemistry


Muhammad SN, Gardner J, Gardner V, Karpenko N, Du W, Hawthorne S, et al. Physical Activity, Energy, Nutrition and Understanding Laboratory Parameters in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients - Pilot Findings Following an Educational Webinar via a Social Media Platform. J Clin Nephrol Kidney Dis. 2019; 4(1): 1020.

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