Int J Family Med Prim Care | Volume 3, Issue 2 | Research Article | Open Access
Abduljaleel A*, Zever I, Bello Z and Olatunji LK
1Department of Community Medicine, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria 2Department of Community Medicine, Federal University Dutsinma, Nigeria 3Ministry of Health, Kaduna State, Nigeria 4Department of Community Medicine, Usmanu Dan Fodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria
*Correspondance to: Abduljaleel A
Fulltext PDFCoronavirus is an ongoing global viral disease firstly identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019, hence its name COVID-19. The disease is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a pandemic with Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). People get infected when they inhale small airborne particles or droplets exhaled by a COVID-19 infected person. Some of the recommended preventive measures include social or physical distancing, covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing, wearing of face masks, hand-washing regularly among others. To limit its fatalities, vaccines have been recently developed and shared across the world. However, there have been different opinions and misunderstandings about the infection and its vaccination. In Nigeria, particularly Kano State such negative perceptions have been suspected even among the forefront healthcare workers in whom such misconceptions are least expected. This prompted the need to conduct a study to assess the perceptions of COVID-19 vaccinations among the healthcare workers in Kano State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling method was used to select; the study locations, hospitals, healthcare departments and survey groups. A mixed of quantitative and qualitative method using structured questionnaire and in-depth interview guide were used respectively. Quantitative responses were analyzed using statistical package for social science version 26 while qualitative responses were taperecorded, later transcribed and reported accordingly. In-depth interview was conducted among 18 top health officials of secondary and tertiary health facilities. The participants were given enough time to respond to the questions individually and responses were recorded accordingly. This created opportunities for more opinions and honest answers, thus reducing bias associated with closed ended questionnaire. Perceptions of COVID - 19 is poor, 24.3%. A perception of COVID-19 infection and vaccination is poor (23.6%) among the health care workers in Kano state, Nigeria. Several myth and misconceptions were recorded during the indepth interview. There is need for health care workers to change their mindset on the pandemic as this will have implication in controlling the spread of the infection
COVID-19; Acute respiratory syndrome; Yellow fever; Lassa fever;
Abduljaleel A, Zever I, Bello Z, Olatunji LK. Assessment of Perceptions of COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination among Health Care Workers in Kano State, Nigeria. Int J Fam Med Prim Care. 2022; 3(2): 1062.