Int J Family Med Prim Care | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Suningsih Suabey1 and Agussalim2
1Wamena School of Nursing, Jayapura Health Polyetchnic, Wamena, Jayawijaya, Papua Province, Indonesia 2Parepare School of Nursing, Makassar Health Polyetchnic, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
*Correspondance to: Agussalim,
Fulltext PDFTuberculosis (TB) is a direct infectious disease that is a global health problem. In 2017 Indonesia was ranked 7th in the world in cases of drug-resistant TB with 23,000 cases, while the notification rate of TB cases in Papua in 2019 was 355 per 100,000 population, and the success rate of TB treatment in Papua was 68%. Wamena Hospital medic record data from January to May 2021 there were 60 cases of TB, with the number of cases of TB category 1 as many as 56 people, TB category 2 as many as 4 people and drug resistant TB as many as 6 people. The success of treatment in TB patients is supported by adherence in taking Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) with a predetermined dose. Noncompliance with treatment will result in high rates of treatment failure of people with pulmonary TB, considering pulmonary TB is an infectious disease, it is important to know the factors that affect compliance in oat treatment in people with pulmonary TB. Samples in the study used non probability sampling (random sampling) with purposive sampling technique with the number of study samples as many as 37 people. The results of the study obtained from 37 respondents are known as many as 68% of respondents have good family support, as many as 54% of respondents have a long distance from Wamena Hospital, as many as 70% of respondents obediently take antituberculosis drugs. The results of the analysis showed there was a navigable relationship between family support, home distance, last education and adherence to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs
Compliance; Anti-tuberculosis drugs; Factors; Wamena; Papua
Suabey S, Agussalim. Factors Affecting Compliance with Taking Anti- Tuberculosis Drugs in Tuberculosis Patients at Wamena Regional General Hospital Jayawijaya Regency. Int J Fam Med Prim Care. 2022; 3(1): 1058.