Clin Pediatr | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Vlasyuk VV
Department of Forensic Medicine, S M Kirov Military Medical Academy Ministry of defense of Russia, Russia
*Correspondance to: Vlasyuk VV
Fulltext PDFIt was revealed that Hemorrhages in the Tentorium Cerebelli (HTC) are found in 11.9% of intrapartum dead fetuses and newborns, the causes of death of which were mainly congenital aspiration pneumonia, aspiration syndrome, RDS-syndrome and intranatal hypoxia. The presence of these hemorrhages indicates that the children had excessive configuration (molding) with brain compression and compression hypoxia during labor. HTC is an important criterion for the diagnosis of excessive configuration of the head and compression hypoxia transferred during labor. Detection of HTC is important for the diagnosis of compression hypoxia and birth trauma.
Tentorium cerebelli; Intradural hemorrhage; Head compression; Head configuration (molding); Compression hypoxia; Birth trauma
Vlasyuk VV. Intradural Hemorrhage in the Tentorium Cerebelli as a Sign of Pathological Configuration and Compression Hypoxia of the Brain. Clin Pediatri. 2019; 2: 1015.