Clin Pediatr Surg | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

The Benefits of Premedication for Small Surgical Interventions in One-Day Surgery in Children

Nasibova Esmira Mirza Gizi*

Department of Pediatric Surgery, Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan

*Correspondance to: Nasibova Esmira Mirza Gizi 

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The problem of premedication becomes especially significant in pediatric anesthesiology, since the change of environment associated with placing the child in a hospital, the absence of parents, unfamiliar faces - all this leads to a sharp arousal of the child, accompanied by significant changes in the activity of vital organs and systems.
The aim of the study: Optimization of anesthetic benefits in one-day surgery in children by incorporating midazolam into premedication.
Material and research methods: Midazolam at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg per os or 0.3 mg/kg intramuscularly 20 min before anesthesia was used as a sedative drug for sedation. The necessity of prescribing a sedative drug in premedication was determined individually and was guided by the obtained data of the Kerdo vegetative index.
The results of the study: Analysis of the depth of sedation showed that 5 min after sedation in 7 children (8.4%), the degree of sedation was at the RO level, and in 67 children (80.7%) at the RI level, in 9 children (10.8%) at R2 level. After 10 min, 72.3% of the children began to experience drowsiness, but at the same time they were in contact, performed simple commands, opened their eyes to treatment, which corresponded to the R3 degree of sedation. The remaining 27.7% of the children did not experience drowsiness, while they were calm and contact (sedation degree R2). At the 20th minute of the study, 84.3% of the children reached R3 sedation. And 15.7% of children at the time of separation from their parents corresponded to degree R2.
Thus, in the light of the above information, each anesthetist should carefully plan all aspects of the preoperative introduction of each individual child, including premedication means in this plan, ifthere is a clear need for them. The point of view of some doctors "applying" standard premedication is extremely erroneous, since there are no two identical patients. It is necessary to choose the method of sedation that is optimal and ideal for the child.


Sevoflurane; One-day surgery; Midazolam


Mirza Gizi NE. The Benefits of Premedication for Small Surgical Interventions in One-Day Surgery in Children. Clin Pediatri Surg. 2020;1(1):1005..

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