Ann Vasc Med | Volume 1, Issue 2 | Review Article | Open Access
TY Tang*
Department of Vascular Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Fulltext PDFThe treatment of incompetent truncal veins has been innovated by the introduction of minimally invasive Non-Thermal Non-Tumescent (NTNT) techniques. One of these consists of the use of Cyanoacrylate Glue (CAG) to occlude the vein lumen by means of the VenaSeal™ device. This device has been shown to be safe in the published trials in patients and an efficacious innovative technique comparable to the current gold standard of Endothermal Ablation (EVTA), which has been around in the endovenous arena for over 20 years. CAG is proving to be popular amongst venous surgeons because it is less invasive and traumatic to the patient than EVTA and can be performed theoretically with one puncture and takes less time to perform because no tumescence is required with this technique. The aims of this paper is to explain in detail of “How I do” the ablation of the truncal vein using this product, how I select and work up patients for this procedure and the tips and tricks I have picked up with my experience of having blocked over 300 truncal saphenous veins with this device in Singapore.
VenaSeal™ Closure System; Endovenous; Cyanoacrylate glue; Varicose vein; CVI
TY Tang. Endovenous Cyanoacrylate Super-Glue to Treat Varicose Veins: How I Perform VenaSealï›› Ablation – Tips & Tricks Gained From Ablating Over 300 Truncal Saphenous Veins. Ann Vasc Med. 2018;1(2):1006.