Ann Surg Case Rep | Volume 6, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Nikhilesh A*
Department of Clinical Research, Wellytics Pvt Ltd, India
*Correspondance to: Nikhilesh Andhi
Fulltext PDFFor me title of this article is such that as this case report deals with case of my father who deceased few months ago, and his final diagnosis was Shock with Mods. Firstly, it all started with right thoracic mid back pain and then radiated too anterior thoracic. These symptoms lasted for about 15 days and were on–off, while treatment was on with analgesics and muscle relaxants. Later as wholebody checkup was done where it was found the patient FBS and RBS Elevated thus was considered as de novo DM, in addition chest CT was done when abnormalities were observed in pulmonary function test, through CT-chest: Loculated collection with thin internal septations noted in right pleural space, thus cardiothoracic surgeon suspecting empyema and RT pleural effusion (~200CC) opted for VATS–decortication. Although one day after the surgery patient developed emphysema leading to panic attack causing hemodynamic instability. Consequently, leading to shock which steadily lead to multi organ dysfunction in the end to death. On the whole through this case report, I wanted to give detailed analysis preoperative treatment initially followed by postoperative till death.
Shock; VATS (Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery); MODS (Multiorgan Dysfunction Syndrome); Cardiogenic shock; Emphysema; Empyema
Nikhilesh A. SHOCK with MODS: A Case that Changed Everything to Me. Ann Surg Case Rep. 2023; 6(1): 1065..