Ann Stem Cell Res Ther | Volume 3, Issue 2 | Case Report | Open Access

Probability of Chagas Reactivation Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) on Maintenance Lenalidomide - Are there Guidelines for Active Surveillance?

Mridula Krishnan1*, Andrea Zimmer2 , Sarah Holstein1 and Matthew Lunning1

1Department of Hematology and Oncology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA2Department of Infectious Disease, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA

*Correspondance to: Mridula Krishnan 

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Chagas Disease (CD) is an endemic disease in developing countries caused by Trypanosome cruzi (T.cruzi), which has been shown to have a chronic asymptomatic phase. However, immunosuppressed patients, particularly transplant recipients (both bone marrow and solid transplant), are at a risk of reactivation of CD which can be fatal. Our primary focus involves bone marrow transplant recipients with chronic CD. There is a lack of guidelines for surveillance of these patients. We sought guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for active surveillance. We present a case of a Hispanic female with chronic CD who was on maintenance Lenalidomide following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma.


Krishnan M, Zimmer A, Holstein S, Lunning M. Probability of Chagas Reactivation Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) on Maintenance Lenalidomide - Are there Guidelines for Active Surveillance?. Ann Stem Cell Res Ther. 2019; 3(2): 1031 .

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