Ann Stem Cell Res Ther | Volume 2, Issue 3 | Perspective | Open Access

Development of Pharmacological Agents for the Activation and Directional Differentiation of Resident Stem Cells in Organs and Tissues

Tyukavin AI1,2*, Belostotskaya GB2,3, Zakharov YeA1,2, Mykhaylichenko VYu4 and Samarin SA4

1Department of Endocrinology, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, National Medical Research Center VA Almazov, Russia
3Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Institute of EPhB, Russia 4 Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky, Russia

*Correspondance to: Tyukavin AI 

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One of the most promising resources of the body for restoring the myocardium after ischemic damage and optimizing the functions of the cardiac muscle during aging are resident Cardiac Stem Cells and Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (CSC, BM MSC). The mechanisms of their interaction in the whole organism remain unclear. It seems that apoptosis has a key role in myocardial regeneration and conjugation of the functions of CSC and MSC in tissues after infarction and in the aging process. Apoptosis (in contrast to necrosis), simultaneously with the destruction of irreversibly damaged cells, initiates processes that stimulate the proliferation of cells that are in the early stages of differentiation. It was suggested that in the final products of apoptosis, Apoptotic Bodies (ApB), the activation factors and the code for tissue-specific differentiation of stem cells are contained.


Apoptosis; Stem cells; Myocardial regeneration


Tyukavin AI, Belostotskaya GB, Zakharov YeA, Mykhaylichenko VYu, Samarin SA. Development of Pharmacological Agents for the Activation and Directional Differentiation of Resident Stem Cells in Organs and Tissues. Ann Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018; 2(3): 1016.

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