Ann Spine Res | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

Bone Involvement in Systemic Mastocytosis: Multiple Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures. Case Report and Review

David Pescador1, Carlos Marqués Parrilla1*, José Augusto Lorenzo2, Tito Fernández2, Arturo Montesdeoca2 and Juan Blanco1

1Department of Spine Unit, University Hospital of Salamanca, Spain
2Department of Spine Unit, Doctor Negrin University Hospital of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Spain

*Correspondance to: Carlos Marqués Parrilla 

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Background Context: Mastocytosis comprises a wide range of disorders characterized by an excessive proliferation and accumulation of mast cells in the tissue.
Purpose: To describe a rare case of aggressive systemic mastocytosis in the lumbar spine in a young patient. Study
Design: Case report.
Methods: We present the case of a 42-year old male patient, who presented episodes of general redness of 6 months of evolution, associated with diarrhea and lower back pain of one year of evolution. The physical examination reveals hyperpigmented macules on both lower limbs. We performed a biopsy with the results of aggressive systemic mastocytosis. We carried out a bilateral transpedicular vertebroplasty with a biphasic reabsorbable ceramic bone replacement in L4 and L5. Conclusions: In view of the age of the patient and his recovery potential we have replaced the classic vertebroplasty of methyl-methacrylate with a biphasic reabsorbable ceramic bone piece with very satisfactory results.


Aggressive systemic mastocytosis; Lumbar; Vertebroplasty; Methyl-methacrylate; Biphasic reabsorbable ceramic bone


Pescador D, Parrilla CM, Lorenzo JA, Fernández T, Montesdeoca A, Blanco J. Bone Involvement in Systemic Mastocytosis: Multiple Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures. Case Report and Review. Ann Spine Res. 2018; 1(1): 1004.

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