Ann Radiat Ther Oncol | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Pusceddu C1*, Marrocu A2, Ball N3, Melis L4and Fancellu A5
1Department of Oncologic Radiology, Businco Hospital, Italy
2Department of Research and development, Technological Transfer Sector Sardegna Ricerche, Italy
3Department of Oncologic Radiology, Regional Referral Center for Oncologic Diseases, Italy
4Department of Oncologic Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Businco Hospital, Italy
*Correspondance to: Pusceddu C
Fulltext PDFObjective: To develop a biomechanically validated Finite Element Model (FEM) to predict the biomechanical behavior of the human femur in patient affected by a large lytic metastasis at high-risk of fracture.
Materials and Methods: 3D geometric models of the femur, device and tumor have been presented, which integrated the CT data-based anatomical structure. Based on the geometric model, a 3D finite element model of a femur was created. Loads, which simulate the pressure from above were applied to the FEM, while a boundary condition describing the relative femur displacement is imposed on the FEM to account for 3D physiological states. The simulation calculation illustrates the stress and strain distribution and deformation of the femur. The method has two characteristics compared to previous studies: FEM of the femur are based on the data directly derived from medical images CTs; the result of analysis will be more accurate than using the data of geometric parameters.
Results: FEM of the real human femur and surgically altered state were loaded with the same force (in accordance with the specifications defined by ISO 7206). The results of the intact and surgically altered state were compared. As they were close together, the FEM was used to predict: load-sharing within tumorous human femur in compression and the stabilizing potential of the different femur implants and cement in compression with respect to different E moduli. Conclusions: FEM may be used to predict the biomechanical behavior of the femur. Moreover, the influence of different femur devices may be predicted.
Biomedical; Finite element method; Models; Stability; Metastases
Pusceddu C, Marrocu A, Ball N, Melis L, Fancellu A. A Finite Element Model for Predicting the Biomechanical Behavior of the Human Femur Affected by a Bone Metastasis. Ann Radiat Ther Oncol. 2019; 2(1): 1018.