Ann Radiat Ther Oncol | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

Parathyroid Cancer after Surgical Treatment – A Case Report of Radiotherapy Beneficial Effect in Metastatic Disease

Kotecka-Blicharz Agnieszka*, Hasse-Lazar Kornelia, Jurecka-Lubieniecka Beata, Michalik Barbara, Gawlik Tomasz, Kukulska Aleksandra, Król Aleksandra, Szpak-Ulczok Sylwia, Puch Zbigniew and Jarząb Barbara

DepartmentofNuclear Medicine and Endocrine Oncology, MariaSkłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Gliwice Branch,Poland

*Correspondance to: Kotecka-Blicharz Agnieszka 

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Parathyroid cancer is an uncommon endocrine malignancy representing 0.005% of all cancers with the less than 1% frequency in all primary hyperparathyroid patients. The treatment of choice is radical surgical resection – parathyroidectomy and en bloc resection of surrounding tissues. Radiofrequency ablation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are therapeutic palliative options without evidence of effectiveness. In parathyroid carcinoma hypercalcaemia rather than local infiltration or metastases presence is the main cause of death. At this work we introduce a 10 years case history of a patient with hormonally active disseminated parathyroid cancer in whom the use of radiotherapy allowed for long lasting hypercalcaemia control. The case we present and data reported by others though covering a small number of patients may indicate potential positive role of radiotherapy in parathyroid carcinoma both in case of residual local or metastatic disease.


Kotecka-Blicharz A, Hasse-Lazar K, Jurecka-Lubieniecka B, Michalik B, Gawlik T, Kukulska A, et al. Parathyroid Cancer after Surgical Treatment – A Case Report of Radiotherapy Beneficial Effect in Metastatic Disease. Ann Radiat Ther Oncol. 2017; 1(1): 1007.

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