Ann Plast Reconstr Surg | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

Avulsion Cassava Grating Machine Injury to the Penis: The Need to Stop Child Labor

Otei Otei OO*, Ozinko M, Ekpo R and Egiehiokhin Isiwere

Department of Surgery, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Nigeria

*Correspondance to: Otei Otei OO 

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We present the management of a 12-year old boy who had a degloving cassava grating machine injury to the penis. He was using a mobile cassava grating (miling) machine at about 8.00 pm when his clothes were caught by the pulley belt of the engine and his perineum was pulled to the machine. The entire penile skin- from the shaft to the glans was degloved. We used part of the scrotal skin as two delayed transposition flaps to reconstruct the penis.


Grating machine; Cassava; Child labor


Otei Otei OO, Ozinko M, Ekpo R, Isiwere E. Avulsion Cassava Grating Machine Injury to the Penis: The Need to Stop Child Labor. Ann Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019;3(1):1025.

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