Ann Plast Reconstr Surg | Volume 2, Issue 3 | Review Article | Open Access

Current and Emerging Therapies in Functional Rhinoplasty

Henry LE1* and Friedman OL2

1Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, USA
2Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Pennsylvania, USA

*Correspondance to: Laura E. Henry 

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Purpose of Review: This article reviews the anatomy and physiology of the nasal valves as well as current and emerging techniques to correct nasal valve collapse. Overview of Findings: Functional rhinoplasty has been shown to significantly improve quality of life in patients with nasal valve collapse. There are several techniques available to perform this procedure and the decision as to how to proceed is usually determined by physician preference and patient presentation. Given this individualized approach, this review details a number of options available in the field as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used techniques. Emerging therapies for treatment of nasal valve collapse utilize innovative materials for nasal valve repair but continue to focus on quality of life improvement. Summary: This article seeks to provide physicians performing functional rhinoplasty with an updated review of the various techniques to correct nasal valve collapse.


Functional rhinoplasty; Nasal airway obstruction; Nasal vestibular stenosis


Henry LE, Friedman OL. Current and Emerging Therapies in Functional Rhinoplasty. Ann Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;2(3):1020.

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