Ann Pharmacovigilance Drug Safety | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Mental Illness Receiving Psychotropic Medication

Mekonnen Tsehay*, Zelalem Birhan, Tegegn Yirdaw, Tigst Gashaw, Moge Necho and Asmare Belete

Department of Psychiatry, Wollo University, Ethiopia

*Correspondance to: Mekonnen Tsehay 

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Background: There has been an increase in the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in the general population especially among mentally ill patients. This seems to be neglected problem in low-income countries. This study aims at establishing the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and associated risk factors in mentally ill patients attended at psychiatric outpatient of Dessie Referral Hospital.
Method: Institution based cross sectional study was conducted at Dessie Referral Hospital. Interviewer administered questionnaire of socio demographic, morisky adherence questionnaire, PHQ-9, suicidal behavior assessment questionnaires and change in Sexual Functioning Questionnaires were used. Logistic regressions were used further analysis.
Result: Prevalence of global sexual dysfunction among patients with mentally illness is 58.2%. It is slightly more prevalent among males (64.1%) than that of females (50.8%). Age, marital status, current substance use, suicidal ideation, type of DSM-5 diagnosis, at least one history of relapse, non-adherence and current level of depression were significantly associated with sexual dysfunction.
Conclusion: We concluded that sexual dysfunction is highly prevalent among patients receiving psychotropic medication; as such inquiries about sexual function should be routinely carried out by clinicians decrease relapse rate and non-adherence as result, we may increase quality of life.


Sexual dysfunction; Adherence; Psychotropic; Mental illness


Tsehay M, Birhan Z, Yirdaw T, Gashaw T, Necho M, Belete A. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Mental Illness Receiving Psychotropic Medication. Ann Pharmacovigil Drug Saf. 2020;1(1):1003..

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