Ann Pediatr Res | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Durgadatta P*, Raghvendra SP and Rajniti P
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, India
*Correspondance to: Durgadatta Pattanyak
Fulltext PDFHemiconvulsion Hemiplegia Epilepsy (HHE) syndrome is a rare complication of prolonged focal seizures in children and usually idiopathic but may be associated with structural, infective, traumatic and degenerative diseases. We present a three years male child with iron deficiency anemia, who had left sided focal status epilepticus clonic type for nearly 12 h, and later developed left sided hemiparesis. This is the first association of iron deficiency with hemiconvulsion-hemiplegiasyndrome; and illustrates the importance of neuroimaging in each case of status epilepticus. More importantly, the case also raises the possibility that deficiency in iron could be a contributing factor in cases of hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-syndrome.
Hemiconvulsion Hemiplegia Epilepsy (HHE); Febrile seizure; Status epilepticus; Iron deficiency anemia
Durgadatta P, Raghvendra SP, Rajniti P. Hemiconvulsion Hemiplegia Syndrome with Iron Deficiency Anemia in a Child with Review of Literature. Ann Pediatr Res. 2023;7(1):1073..