Ann Pediatr Res | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access

History and Perspective in the Perinatology: A Comprehensive Literature Review

Lajos Lakatos*, György Balla and István Pataki

Department of Pediatrics, University Debrecen, NagyerdeiKrt, 98, Hungary

*Correspondance to: Lajos Lakatos 

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At the turn of the 20th century and before this time, there was little that a physician could do for premature infants. Except keep them warm, feed them breast milk, isolate them from strangers and each other, weigh them daily, and hope for the best in this chapter we are going to show the general history of neonatology, to take an international outlook, and to review the Hungarian characteristics and our own personal experiences which embrace now more than 40 years.


Ancient times of medicine; Early era of incubators; Some famous “high risk” newborn babies; New era of perinatal care; William A. Silverman; Neonatology in Hungary; Current issues and the future


Lakatos L, Balla G, Pataki I. History and Perspective in the Perinatology: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Ann Pediatr Res. 2017; 1(1): 1001.

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