Ann Orthop Musculoskelet Disord | Volume 1, Issue 3 | Case Report | Open Access

Parosteal Lipoma of the Lowerlimb: Report of Two Cases

Sboui I1, Riahi H2, Jlalia Z1*, Daghfous MS1 and Chelly-Bouaziz M2

1Department of Orthopedic-Traumatology, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
2Departement of Medicalimaging, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia

*Correspondance to: Jlalia Z 

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Typically, lipomas are composed of only mature adipose tissue. Parosteallipoma is a rare type of lipoma, accounting for less than 0.1% of primary bone neoplasms and 0.3% of all lipomas. Parosteallipoma commonly arise in the femur and extremities. In contrast to subcutaneous lipomas, which are more commonly found in the neck and back, parosteallipomas are more common in the extremities. Radiographs show ajuxtacorticalradiolucent mass with varying degrees of septation associated with surface bone. On MRI, parosteallipomaisseen as a juxtacortical mass with signal intensity identical to that of subcutaneous fat, regardless of pulse sequence. MRI best demonstrates the relationship of the tumor to the underlying native bone and muscle and the adjacent muscle atrophy. Majority of parosteallipomas have been reported to have no malignant potential and thus can be followed conservatively. The present article describes two cases of parosteallipoma of the lower limb and reviews the literature.


Sboui I, Riahi H, Jlalia Z, Daghfous MS, Chelly-Bouaziz M. Parosteal Lipoma of the Lowerlimb: Report of Two Cases. Ann Orthop Musculoskelet Disord. 2018;1(3):1013.

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