Ann Nurs Primary Care | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Tilghman J*, Doswell J, Collington D, Salaam Utili and Watties-Daniels S
Helene Fuld School of Nursing, Coppin State University, USA
*Correspondance to: Tilghman J
Fulltext PDFThe health challenges facing the nation have shifted dramatically. The American population demographics are changing and becoming more diverse with respect to race, ethnicity, and other cultural and socioeconomic factors. Shifts in health care needs are occurring as much of health care today is associated with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and mental health conditions. Many of the modes of education for nursing that were predominant during the 20th century are no longer considered adequate to address the realities of health care in the 21st century. As patient needs and care environments have become more complex, nurses need to attain requisite competencies to deliver high-quality care. The School of Nursing program identified an innovative teaching and learning modality for nursing students to aid them in developing competency with skill acquisition. The modality used simulation and augmented reality to provide student learning for the skills of intravenous medication administration and female catheterization. The ability of the nursing student to acquire and demonstrate skill acquisition provides evidence of the efficacy. Researchers evaluated student’s performance on two clinical skills against time, accuracy, and completion rates. Results concluded that the use of augmented reality and simulation could be used to independently train and evaluate nurse student’s performance and, help to improve their clinical skills proficiency.
Wearable; Augmented reality; Virtual reality
Tilghman J, Doswell J, Collington D, Utili S, Watties-Daniels S. Innovative Utilization of Augmented Reality and Simulation to Promote Nursing Practice. Ann Nurs Primary Care. 2018; 1(1): 1008.