Ann Med Med Res | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access
Nikolaos Neokleous*, Zenonas Theodosiou and Nikolaos Stylianides
Applied Health Informatics and Telemedicine, Open University of Cyprus, Greece
*Correspondance to: Nikolaos Neokleous
Fulltext PDFThe most evident evidence of the power and flexibility of a diagnostic tool is its range of applications.
Non-automated FISH analysis has clearly become an essential tool for clinical practice over the past
decade. At the same time, automatic analysis is gaining ground, which is evidenced by the increase
in published articles each year on both technical topics and the flexibility of this technology. At the
same time, more and more studies are being published that deal with the superiority of automatic
analysis over non-automatic analysis. In this review, some pioneering applications of automatic
FISH image analysis are described.
Neokleous N, Theodosiou Z, Stylianides N. Fluoresce In-Situ Hybridization Automatic Analysis Applications. Ann Med Medical Res. 2022; 5: 1051..