Ann Med Med Res | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Anita Tahlan*
Department of Pathology, Government Medical College Hospital, India
*Correspondance to: Anita Tahlan
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: The Pathology postgraduate students have very busy working hours, and need to master varied subjects like histopathology, cytology, immunopathology and hematology. Some of the diseases are located in specific geographical areas. The students studying at other areas may not have accessibility to the clinical diagnostic material. The teaching of pathology is possible by the apps like WhatsApp because of the feasibility of sharing, photos, videos, images and text messages. This also becomes the platform for sharing the discussion at a time of the convenience to the postgraduate student. In addition with the availability of digital scanners and hand held devices have revolutionized the teaching and learning of pathology.
Methodology: The present prospective observational study was conducted for a period of 2 weeks.
Results: All the residents agreed that this was an interesting method of study. They also agreed that this was a feasible method (94.3%) and could be incorporated in routine teaching method (77.7%). They also found the discussion more stimulating and innovative resulting in better interaction among peers and teachers. They disagreed that this was more time consuming (83.2%) or the availability of internet was an issue (83.3%). All the faculty members agreed that the residents were more enthusiastic and had an inclination towards this method though 50% of the faculty members also said that this was time consuming method.
Conclusion: The new method introduced was well accepted by both the residents as well as the faculty. They found it to be an interesting, doable and stimulating method of learning.
WhatsApp; Pathology; Hematology
Tahlan A. To Assess the Feasibility of Hematology Postgraduate Teaching by Mobile App-WhatsApp. Ann Med Medical Res. 2020; 3:1023..