Ann Infect Dis Epidemiol | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access

Prevention of Club Drug use at LGBT Community Health Centers: What Socio-Cognitive Factors Predict the Intention and Whether the Prevention Education Work

Chang Hsun Chen*

Department of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan

*Correspondance to: Chang Hsun Chen 

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Background and
Objectives: Currently the human immunodeficiency infection occurred mostly among young gay and bisexual men in Taiwan, and club drug use might be a factor related to their vulnerability. To explore the factor influencing the club drug use among them and evaluate the efficacy of prevention education, a questionnaire was developed based on the theory of reasoned action and self-efficacy. Value clarification and refusal skills were adopted into the regular club drug prevention education.
Methods: Participants were recruited using respondent driven sampling at 4 LGBT health center in Taiwan. One of them was selected as intervention group, which a value clarification of club drug use was provided. The number of participants recruited was 334,393, and 380 at the pre-test, post-test and post-post-test respectively.
Results: The theory of reasoned action and self-efficacy explained 58% of the variance of the intention to use or avoid club drug use. The self-efficacy was the most powerful predictor. In the intervention group, odds ratio of holding strong and weak attitude was significant when comparing post-post-test with pre-test.
Conclusion: The current findings suggest that self-efficacy, attitude and subjective norm are significant predictors of intention of club drug use. Attitude change was seen after a session of value clarification. Scientific Significance: The current findings highlight the feasibility to use the theory of reasoned action and self-efficacy to explore the factors influencing the club drug use and develop countermeasures. Value clarification could be a simple and useful approach to induce attitude change toward avoiding club drug use.


Chen CH. Prevention of Club Drug use at LGBT Community Health Centers: What Socio-Cognitive Factors Predict the Intention and Whether the Prevention Education Work. Ann Infect Dis Epidemiol. 2017;2(1):1009.

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