Ann Epilepsy Seizure | Volume 4, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Riyam Al Anazi1*, Roaa Al Sharif2, Kholod Mohammed Alhafean3, Gehan Mohammed Atef3 and Alawi A Al-Attas4
1Department of Pediatric Neurology, Al Yamama Hospital, KSA
2Department of Neuroscience Research, King Fahad Medical City, KSA
3Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, King Abdul Aziz Hospital, KSA
4Department of Adult Neurology, National Neuroscience Institute, King Fahad Medical City, KSA
*Correspondance to: Riyam Al Anazi
Fulltext PDFBackground: There is wide agreement that females have a slightly lower prevalence of epilepsy and unprovoked seizures than males, however women with epilepsy have several exceptional dilemmas include the use of Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs), as well as the affect AEDs on sexual function, contraception, pregnancy, childbirth, fetal congenital malformation, and breastfeeding. Objectives: To assess the knowledge of obstetricians and primary care physicians about the relevant topics and concerns of WWE in Saudi Arabia. Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted in Saudi Arabia using a 10 item survey “KOWIE II” questionnaire includes items specific to issues that affect Women with Epilepsy (WWE). Data were collected through an online survey (Google form). The questionnaire was distributed through what’s up significant groups for family medicine and obstetrics/gynecology in the western, northern and south areas in Saudi Arabia. Results: Out of 108 participants recruited for the study, it was found that the largest percentage comprised of residents (62%) while 17.6% of the participants were consultants. In terms of specialty, 61.1% of the participants were obstetricians while the remaining 38.9% were family medicine specialists. The participants showed varied levels of knowledge about health issues of importance to woman with epilepsy ranging from 71.3% (antiepileptic medication and breastfeeding) to 11.5% (percent of children at risk for major birth defects). Knowledge score of health issues for women with Epilepsy was significantly higher among obstetricians compared to family physicians (6.16 ± 2.75 vs. 4.29 ± 1.95), p<0.001. Similarly, it was significantly higher among consultants/fellows compared to residents/specialists (7.27 ± 1.62 vs. 4.65 ± 2.56), p<0.001. Conclusion: Inadequate level of knowledge in several vital issues concerning WWE was observed; particularly the hormonal influence of estrogen and progesterone on control of convulsions, the high likelihood of osteomalacia among WWE, and the high rate of sexual dysfunction among them. This defective knowledge among healthcare providers could negatively influence counseling for WWE.
Epilepsy; Women; Obstetricians; Primary care physicians; Knowledge; Saudi Arabia
Al Anazi R, Al Sharif R, Alhafean KM, Atef GM, Al-Attas AA. Descriptive Survey to Assess Knowledge of Women Issues and Epilepsy among Obstetrician and Family Medicine Doctors in Saudi Arabia. Ann Epilepsy Seizure. 2022; 4(1): 1015..