Ann Epilepsy Seizure | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Adel A H Mahmoud1*, Riyam Al Anazi1, Amal Matar Al Mutairi2, Roaa Al Sharif3 and Hasnah Al Shammari2
1Department of Pediatric Neurology, National Neuroscience Institute, King Fahad Medical City, KSA 2Clinical Nutrition Administration, King Fahad Medical City, KSA 3Department of Neuroscience Research, King Fahad Medical City, KSA
*Correspondance to: Adel A H Mahmoud
Fulltext PDFQuite few centers in the Middle East are offering the ketogenic diet therapy for the treatment of epilepsy in patients with drug refractory seizures. In King Fahad Medical City, National Neuroscience Institute, Department of Pediatric Neurology, there started the ketogenic therapy program in November 2008. Since then, interesting cases that are seldom encountered by many physicians during their medical careers as well as lab work that is unforeseen and deemed interesting, were observed, and collected. Here we try to exhibit these interesting cases and display unexpected laboratory results. We raise questions more than answers, as searching medical literature and personal communication could not bring clear answers. We quickly review results of patients’ responses and failures to the diet.
Ketogenic diet; Seizures; Epilepsy; Refeeding syndrome; Electrolytes
Mahmoud A A H, Al Anazi R, Al Mutairi AM, Al Sharif R, Al Shammari H. Rare Side Effects of the Ketogenic Diet, a Tertiary Hospital Experience. Ann Epilepsy Seizure. 2021;3(1):1012..